無秩序なものを無秩序に作品としてその場所に現出させた結果、その作品を観た鑑賞者が自分の思考の中で 組み立てて何かを感じてくれたらと思います。

I make shapes out of clay based on casual drawings and notes, and then fire them in a ceramic kiln to turn them into works of art.
I am not sure what I will be able to do until the end of the process, as I get to know my inner self for the first time in the process of integrating my thoughts into a single work. As a result of making a random thing randomly appear in the space, I hope that the viewer will feel something by reassembling it in her own thoughts.

杉谷一考|LOS PINTXOS|広島のアートマガジン
メールアドレス kyazutaka●yahoo.co.jp(●を@に変換してください)
インスタグラム @kazutaka_sugitani

© Kazutaka Sugitani

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