My work is composed of abstract lines and surfaces. Even though they are abstract, they have a base form. It is a landscape seen from my point of view. It could be a park, a residential area, a mountain, a river, or any other common scenery that anyone living in Japan might have seen.
I am a shy person and tend not to fully trust what others say at first. I take the time to communicate with people and understand them. Sometimes I think I understand them, and sometimes I am simply prejudiced or wrong. Sometimes I am lied to and don’t understand anything.
It’s the same with the ordinary scenery in front of us. We may only see the parts that are convenient for us. I paint while doubting the scenery I see. I believe that it is the simple and familiar things that we need to be skeptical about.
ホームページ | https://takafumiohba.com |
メールアドレス | ohba.fumi●gmail.com(●を@に変換してください) |
インスタグラム | @takafumi_ohba |
© Takafumi Ohba
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