さて、このマガジンの名前はLOS PINTXOS。お客さんは君だよ。
Here you can see the works of seven artists. Please take your time.It's a very different kind of art magazine. Do you see the picture on the cover? PINTXOS are the works of chefs who prepare the finest ingredients, skewer them, and put them on the counter. PINTXOS are their works of art, but the images of the PINTXOS are cropped. Now, the name of this magazine is LOS PINTXOS, and you are the customer. What kind of PINTXOS do you envision? You've already done it! The world is your creation. Isn't it easy? Congratulations! You are now the eighth artist.
アーティストの写真は、各撮影場所で木箱に入っていただきました。撮影写真のテーマは「ギフト」。ギフトは才能という意味もあります。つまり木箱は才能の詰まった箱を表現しています。ハーフトーンで加工していますので、直接見えませんが、想像してみてください。LOS PINTXOSに触れて感じるもの、アートが少しでもあなたの日常に変化を得られるのであれば嬉しく思います。 各アーティストの活動、作品は、ホームページやインスタグラムでご確認いただけます。ぜひ、フォローしてみてください。※作品のご購入希望の方は、各アーティストまでお問い合わせください。
各アーティストのページにて、2020.12.24 21:00に、
Thank you for taking the time to read through LOS PINTXOS. The artist's photos were placed in a wooden box at each shooting location. "Gift," the theme of the photo shoot, also means "talent." In other words, the wooden box represents a box full of talent. The photos are processed in halftone, leaving you to see them in your imagination. We would be happy if what you feel when you look through the art in LOS PINTXOS can change your daily life, even if just a little. You can check out the activities and works of each artist on their websites and Instagram pages.Please follow them! If you would like to purchase any of the works, please contact the artists directly.
In addition: The images posted on each artist's page were taken at the same time at each location: 2020.12.24 21:00.