
My works are oil on canvas. Oil painting is an art medium that dries very slowly. It takes 2 days to dry at the earliest and 7 days at the latest. So, I don’t paint one piece at a time, but many pieces in parallel. It takes about a month to complete a painting.
The reason why I draw “Trompe-l’oeil” is because it is easy to understand. I think it makes it easier to appreciate what is depicted by having the wonder of seeing it in three dimensions. When you appreciate a work of art, you do not need to understand its sublime concept. Don’t worry about it, just listen to it. And it is enough to watch and enjoy the work according to your own taste, not according to the evaluation of others.

山本大也|LOS PINTXOS|広島のアートマガジン
メールアドレス daiya.yamamoto●gmail.com(●を@に変換してください)
インスタグラム @yamamoto_daiya

© Daiya Yamamoto

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