
The place where I started art activities is Barcelona, Spain.
The historic Barcelona architecture and cross-cultural background that I lived in for 13 years still reflect in my art pro-duction, and I sometimes remember that time. When the children of my friends who spent time together in Barcelona reach a certain age, they need to have an eye for the work of art. This is because parents want their children to use their imagination and acquire the ability to perceive it from an early stage. I think that imagination saves the world and that is not an exaggeration. No one could have predicted that the calamity will happen in 2020 in the world.
However, from ancient times people who can imagine a bright future are steadily creating a small but brilliant city. If I look down on these cities from the sky, I will be impressed. And that emotion also becomes my art.

シマムラヒロシ|LOS PINTXOS|広島のアートマガジン
ホームページ hs-lab.org
メールアドレス info●hs-lab.org(●を@に変換してください)
インスタグラム @h.s.lab

© Hiroshi Shimamura

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